Service Category: Prayer & Worship

Altar Servers
Altar Servers are an important part of the Mass.  They assist the priest in the celebration of Mass and other liturgies.  You must be in grade 3 or higher and have received your First Holy Communion to become an altar server.  Being an altar server is an honor and a privilege, which provides the opportunity to participate in the liturgy in a special way.
Ministers of the Holy Eucharist
The role of the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion is to help distribute the holy Eucharist during the Masses. This is a vital and sacred ministry of the sharing of the Body and Blood of Christ. They also brings the Holy Eucharist to the sick, elderly or otherwise home-bound members of the Church.
Lectors proclaim the scriptures with clarity, understanding and conviction. They carrying the Book of the Gospels in procession and lead the prayer of the faithful during Mass.
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